MArch Architecture, Unit 11, Bartlett School of Architecture
Unit 11 continues to seek new forms of habitation, which draw on the contemporary condition of borrowing and adapting technologies, materials, typologies and conventions from the culture and processes of the city and those of the natural environment.
Chicago stands both as an emblem and relic of the idea of modernity. The devastating Great Fire of 1871 ultimately enabled the City to reconsider, reinvent and rebuild its self-image. Capitalising on this enterprising spirit of (re)invention, the Unit has looked to scrutinize the urban metabolisms at play in the city proper, and to expand, unpack, unpick and provoke new city futures through design.
5th Year Students: Felicity Barbur, Robin Farmer, Emma Kitley, Fergus Knox, Adam Lampon, Fergus Seccombe.
4th Year Students: Alexander Chapman, Christopher Delahunt, Milo De Luca, Ness Lafoy, Johanna Just, Anthony Ko, Agostino Nickl.
ELEVEN Vol. 5 on ISSUU. To purchase a copy please contact us