Augmented Landscapes and Delicate Machinery’, Drawing Architecture (ed. Neil Spiller), Architectural Design 83.5 (Sep 2013): 88–93.
‘We move between drawings and 3D and both show the qualities of the other’. Interview by Peter Cook and Will Hunter, Architectural Review 1395: Architecture and Representation (May 2013): 62–71
‘Superscript: an interview with Mark Smout and Laura Allen’. Landscape Futures: Instruments, Devices and Architectural Inventions. Ed. Geoff Manaugh. Barcelona: Actar, 2013: 123–138.
Landscape Futures: Instruments, Devices and Architectural Inventions. Ed. Geoff Manaugh. Barcelona: Actar, 2013.
‘Lunar Wood’, Trace Magazine, Vol 9, Chile (Autumn 2014)
Landscape Futures: Instruments, Devices and Architectural Inventions (curated by Geoff Manaugh). Centre for Art and Environment, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, USA, 13 Aug 2011 – 19 Feb 2012.
'Counting House', Young Blood, Architectural Design, Vol 71, No.1, Wiley Academy, 2001.