![200422_3D Model Sub structure B1 2[Converted].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54c6193ae4b0a0456dc285f7/1599738485780-IY63I5BFMUR8ZJ8JS4L4/200422_3D+Model+Sub+structure+B1+2%5BConverted%5D.jpg)

Jack Spence Y4
Acqua Duomo. Extreme changes to the global climate and ocean ecosystem are forecast in the coming years. The project outlines a speculative future environmental scenario in a Sicilian coastal town, in the heart of the Mediterranean. The project integrates with the surrounding ecosystem. Creating a synergy with the landscape by mimicking the metaphorical ‘breathing in’ of the ocean, exploiting the tidal movements and solar distillation to generate potable water for the local community. The use of a ‘Salinity Device’ to roam the highly saline waters enables the ocean’s everchanging ecosystem to be monitored, beyond just the Mediterranean. However, despite being designed for longevity, this will ultimately succumb to new technologies designed to monitor the complexities of global climate change. The project applies materials able to withstand centuries of weathering, however, these will ultimately perish due to erosion once the building’s outer skin of stone is weathered away. Leaving behind a bronze substructure frame which creates a new purpose for the site, in the form of a monument. This highlights the necessity to create an equilibrium between ocean salinity levels and the ever-changing climate, to ensure the needs and health of civilians can be maintained.
Above: ‘Acqua Duomo Salinity Device’
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