Smout Allen

Jane Li Yr 4

In Search of Sand and Slowness Perched atop Beckton’s synthetic landscape, the facility explores the integration of ecological rehabilitation and educational initiatives. The facility functions both as a manufacturing and research hub, where soil contaminated on-site is methodically cleansed through a sequence of my coremediation processes. This systematic approach not only recycles pollutants into viable materials but also demonstrates the scalability of decontamination methods.

Elevated within Beckton, the facility also serves as a powerful reminder of the area’s industrial and recreational legacy. Constructed on the site of a former dry ski slope, the structure utilises locally sourced materials—from remnants of ski infrastructure to native trees—highlighting the transformative potential of local brownfield sites. It envisions a future where industrial relics are not just remnants of the past, but foundational elements for sustainable and resilient landscapes.

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